Check where to open a shop, cafe or other retail and service point in your city
Our search engine finds, on the map, the best locations for launching service and commercial outlets in a selected city. It is the first service of this type in the world. Using the search engine gives you almost 100% certainty that the investment in the indicated areas of the city will be successful. The selected locations are presented in the form of sectors on the map, ordered in order of the most attractive ones. The best location for a given type of retail and service facility is the one in which in a given area (sector) there are the least percentage of points of interest to us in relation to all types of establishments located in a given area. In general, we search for sectors for which the saturation with establishments of a certain type is the lowest in a given city. Of course, we only consider those sectors where there are many other different retail and service outlets.
The principle of operation of the search engine
The city area is divided into several hundred or several thousand equal sectors. There are three types of sector sizes to choose from: 1500×1500 m, 750-750 m and 375×375 m. The smaller the sector, the more precise the search is. Searching by large sectors is also very useful in the case of retail and service outlets located at greater distances from each other (e.g. bookstores or jewelry stores).
Then, in each sector, all existing establishments are searched for, such as restaurants, groceries, specialist stores, cafes, hairdressers, etc. These are basically retail and service outlets which, as a rule, compete with each other territorially. However, it should be borne in mind that some institutions do not always compete with each other territorially. There are districts in cities where certain types of activity will dominate, such as typically commercial districts with large shopping malls or typically entertainment districts with exquisite restaurants. A typical example of a small business competing territorially are, for example, florists, hairdressers (excluding the exclusive ones). In the first stage of the analysis, the sum of all examined types of retail and service outlets in each sector is calculated. Then, for each sector, the proportion of the number of one type of establishments to the total number of establishments in a given sector is calculated. This proportion is calculated according to a special formula and corrected accordingly, e.g. when the number of establishments of a given type in a sector is zero. In this way, sectors with the lowest saturation are searched for, i.e. areas where, compared to other sectors, there is a shortage of a given type of activity.
Thanks to the search engine, you will find the following information
- where is currently the best place in your city to open a specific service and commercial facility
- whether opening a small business in a further location has a good chance of success
- what is the saturation of services in the selected sector of the city
- what is the density of points compared to other cities in Poland